Five IT security questions every company needs to consider

In the current cyber threat landscape, IT security is more critical than ever. Companies face a myriad of threats, from ransomware attacks to data breaches, and the looming consequences for an unprepared business can be irreparable. To ensure your organization has done its due diligence, here are five crucial IT security questions every company needs to consider:

1. Are you using more than antivirus software to secure your network?

Why This Matters: Traditional antivirus software is nearly obsolete and no longer sufficient as a standalone defense against the sophisticated ransomware attacks that happen today. According to Sophos, 59% of organizations were hit by ransomware in the past year, with 70% of attacks resulting in data encryption. Additionally, IBM reports that the average cost of a ransomware breach is at an all-time high of $5.68 million, excluding ransom payments. Antivirus programs typically rely on signature-based detection methods, which are slower to identify new threats compared to the speed at which cybercriminals develop them. By the time these threats are identified, your network may already be compromised.

2. Do you have verified daily backups of your data?

Why This Matters: Regular and verified backups are essential for data recovery in the event of a breach. Alarmingly, up to 75% of small businesses lack a recovery plan despite being prime targets for cybercriminals. It’s crucial that your IT team conducts regular “fire drill” test restores to ensure backups are functioning correctly. Without verified backups, your company risks significant data loss and operational downtime.

3. Can your IT team produce a formal, written, multistep process for securing your network and recovering from a ransomware attack?

Why This Matters: Having a clear, documented plan for both securing your network and recovering from a ransomware attack is vital. If your IT team cannot produce such a plan or makes excuses, it’s a red flag. A well-defined process allows for rapid response and minimizes damage. Without it, your company may find itself scrambling during an attack, exacerbating and prolonging the impact.

4. Are your employees’ workstations and devices truly locked down to prevent them from downloading files and accessing applications that can compromise your network?

Why This Matters: Employee workstations and devices are often the weakest link in cybersecurity. According to IDC, nearly 70% of data breaches originate from endpoint devices such as laptops, workstations, servers, and mobile devices. Ensuring these devices are locked down and monitored in real-time is critical to reducing this risk. Automated, organization-wide patching can significantly mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

5. Do you have a qualified third party auditing your IT company or team’s security protocols and systems?

Why This Matters: An external audit provides an unbiased assessment of your IT security measures. Just as you wouldn’t proofread your own work, you shouldn’t solely rely on your internal team to evaluate your security protocols. An outside perspective can help to identify blind spots and vulnerabilities that may have been overlooked, ensuring a more robust security posture.

/ Take Action

If you cannot confidently answer “yes” to all these questions, or if you’re uncertain about the current state of your IT security, it’s time to take action. Ensuring your company is protected against the current landscape of cyber threats is not just important—it’s an imperative responsibility if you wish to ensure the future prosperity of your organization.

At Magna5, we specialize in comprehensive IT security solutions tailored to the specific needs of each of our clients. In the world of cybersecurity, it’s always better to be proactive rather than reactive. Don’t wait for a breach to expose your vulnerabilities—contact Magna5 today to start a conversation and let us help you safeguard your digital assets.